Friday, December 5, 2008

Jesus in the Clouds - and abit of a reflection

Saturday September 22 2007, over a year ago now...

Today on my morning walk I was chatting with God - No I was chatting AT God - getting some things off my chest and not expecting a reply in return - nothing too specific - just the standard "Lord, how on earth am I going to make it through this life?" "Please lead me to where you want me because my spiritual compass is broke and I have no idea where I am going" and "Where are you and why can't I feel you like I used to?" type stuff.

As I was coming around the cliffs on Lurline Bay heading toward Maroubra Beach I looked up at the sunrise and saw Jesus! The clouds were thick and the sun was shinning through kinda making him glow - I couldn't have missed Him if I tried - still I did try to turn Him into something else like that game you play with finding objects etc in the clouds - I thought don't be stupid, that can't be Jesus - Yup It was definately Jesus, on the Cross - with only one arm mind you but still it was Him!!

The message I felt burning in my heart that moment as I looked up at the sky was:


Not that this was something I didn't already know but hey I struggle with doubt and fear and need a good kick up the butt just as much as the next Christian.

I looked down and walked afew steps as I tried to grasp what this ment - making EVERYTHING in my life about Jesus - or more so putting Jesus in front of everything.

When I looked back up Jesus was gone and standing in his place was an Angel - LOL - no really LOL - Again I tried to turn this angel into something else but oh no it was definately an angel.

So my lesson for the morning has appeared to be:

1. Acknowledge that EVERYTHING in life is about Jesus, the Cross and what God has offered us through Him. Whether we choose to follow or even believe this is completly irrelevant. Life always has and always will be about this.

2. I am to make every part of my life about Jesus - getting rid of all the negative and replacing it with Him. No matter how small these things may be I am starting to realise just the smallest bit of crap in my life can multiply and rage out of control before I know it.

3. If I, continually & constantly, strive to put Jesus in front of everything I won't feel the need to ask frantic and irrational questions like the one's I did this morning because I have been given an angel to keep watch over me??? - That's really hard for me to grasp as I'm not too big on angels - I mean I believe in them and all but they are not something I have ever really consiously thought about.

4. My angel is quite robust and looks like an African-American Gospal Singer.

Now to present day, almost 15 months later...

I was told to make EVERYTHING about Jesus. Sounded simple enough but I barely understood what that ment at that point.

I was searching then, in an almost innocent, child like manner..."God, where are you??" I don't know if I'd be game enough to ask that in such a way again, as I have learnt that when you ask of God, He takes you seriously. When you seek God with an honest and open heart He will show you who and where He is and how relevant He wants to be in your life. I honestly believe He will take you as far as you allow your faith to stretch.

But let's be honest. The stretching of faith, this will more than likely require some moulding/scoulpting/bending/breaking, call it what you will. It will mean, possibly painfully, stepping outside of what you think you know, to fully view Him and His purpose. It will mean allowing more of God in and getting more of you out. It may mean, that God will allow you, because He loves you and you are His, to scrape the absolute bottom of the barrel, breaking you into a million pieces so that He can reconstrust you and there becomes no other option than total and complete reliance upon Him.

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